

6. Rhythm Hunters | Building the Hunters

7 August 2018 // By Kat Atkins

[embed][/embed] Rhythm Hunters | Building the Hunters Rather than using putty to create dimension between the driftwood on the Hunters, I combined sand with Bond-Crete pr

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7. Rhythm Hunters | The Beat of the Butterfly

7 August 2018 // By Kat Atkins

[embed][/embed] The Beat of the Butterfly Giving consideration to the steel stencil of the wings, it occurred to me that as well as introducing colour, they needed to be

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8. Rhythm Hunters | The Bases

7 August 2018 // By Kat Atkins

[embed][/embed] Rhythm Hunters | The Bases I began building the bases of the sculptures on concrete umbrella stands. These did the job whilst creating and caught all the

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